It's 2007 - and I'm doing something a lot of people do - I have my resolutions - many of them I might add... I have a whole new repretoire that I want to work on - ME - I want to be a different person this year. Something that I've decided to do is evolve my meat eating diet to a vegetarian one. I've come across many great websites in my search for a better ME -- I've got to tell you - in the last few years I've used and for vegetarian and vegan recipes - but today I'm so excited that I've come across a website that has just the most awesome list of gourmet- innovative and creative recipes -- it's called vegparadise - it's written by this woman named Zel in Los Angelos and it just has lots of great information. I recommend it to anyone in my position trying to go vegetarian this year. Or if you are already vegetarian and you want to try some new exciting recipes - check it out -- that's You will...
Showing posts from January, 2007