Personal Progress/Motivation Results

97% of you love Personal Progress. That's great - except that the overwhelming response comes from parents and or YW leaders. What I really want to know is what young women who are doing the program right now think. I think they are not even interested in filling out the survey. They have no time for a 5-10 minute survey... do they have no time for Personal Progress?

Let's look at some of the individual responses from these girls. I got 10 responses from girls in Young Womens now. One Laurel girl from Utah reports she like Personal Progress - she is excited to earn the medallion. She works on this together with a friend. She is satisfied with earning stickers and ribbons and doesn't need anything else to keep going. Good for her - she rocks.

The next one, a Beehive girl who lives out west says she likes Personal Progress. She is motivated by parents, leaders and earning the medallion. She works on her PP together with her Mom. She likes earning stickers and ribbons but wouldn't mind something extra from Mom when she completes value projects. She'd be interested in video games or trips.

A Miamaid out west, says she likes Personal Progress - alright - in other words, it's okay. She does it together with her Mom. She is excited about earning the medallion but stickers and ribbons are not satisfying. She would be interested in a reward for completing value projects. A nice reward would be a book.

A Miamaid girl out in Utah says - she likes Personal Progress alright - she is excited to earn the medallion. She would love her parent to get her a kitten though - for completing other value projects. Ahh kitty :)

Another Laurel girl in Utah reports that she too likes Personal Progress and that she is motivated by doing PP because it's something she wants to accomplish but that earning the medallion does not excite her. She would, however, like to go out for dinner when she completes value projects. Yup, I like to eat out, too.

One Miamaid reports that she likes Personal Progress so much because it's fun and truly inspiring :)
She says everyone and everything motivates her to complete her Personal Progress - especially that her parent said she had to do it - to be able to drive! Very creative Mom :) Or mean, depending who you ask...
She's excited to earn her medallion but not doing it for stickers... she would like extra rewards after completing projects.

Another Laurel out west reports that she likes Personal Progress and is excited to earn her medallion. She doesn't need any other rewards to keep going. Good for her.

One Beehive girl reports that she too likes Personal Progress for the joy of the expriences. Ahhh - good girl. She is excited to earn the medallion but wouldn't mind having some new perfume along the way.

Another Miamaid girl says that she, too likes Personal Progress and is excited for the medallion but that she would like other rewards that are special - like other jewelry or something that she doesn't get everyday.

This last girl, a Miamaid also says that Personal Progress to her is fun and truly inspiring. She looks forward to earning her medallion and although familiar with the older program where you could earn additional rewards says she doesn't need them. She is satisified with stickers and ribbons but wouldn't mind having an additional rewards - like books.

So, of the 10 Young Women respondents - they all like Personal Progress and are all motivated to earn the medallion. So that's cool.

But for the Young Women out there that are struggling to get into it - perhaps it would help motivate you if you knew that 93% of the parent/leader respondents would be willing to spend extra money on a reward to keep you going - up to $20... and 6% of the parent/leader respondents would spend up to $40 to reward your efforts. So, my advice to you YW - just ask! If you need some extra motivation and you really want a new bottle of perfume or the latest Twilight book - just ask Mom, "hey if I complete this value project will you buy me this thing I really want?" Chances are - she'll do it!


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