I love kawaii and all things cute

Late last year I re-designed again for the hundreth time my background layout. This time with a very cute pink kawaii tile background courtesy of Holly aka berrysprite. She's so talented and amazing - I love her designs.

simply cute! - designed by berrysprite

I love that cutesy stuff and in pink - so girly. I really wanted to have a kawaii girly in my blog title as well... but I didn't think I was capable of doing something so cute. I'm really creative and good at drawing/painting and stuff, so I drew this and then my husband, he's so talented and artistic, too - in a photographic kind of way - he's also good on the computer, he took my drawing and scanned it in and then with the photoshop thingy or paint shop pro - one of those programs, he took my drawing and did this to it:

ckp girl 1 - designed by me and punk papa
I think it's super cute - but doesn't really fit with the kawaii thingy like I wanted to have. So I look to inspiration. This one below sits on my desktop - it's another berrysprite design and i just love it. So I tried to sort of copy this design - but you know I wanted pigtails...

Kawaii girly with bunny by berrysprite
And I think I did a pretty darn good job. I used Jasc Paint Shop Pro... and I'm not even a pro at it. I'm totally amateur at design - but there it is - all cute and stuff:

kawaii ckp girl - designed by me
And then, I went a step further and re-designed the background layout for Sweet Rolls that Rock... and it turned out great! If I do say so myself :)

cinna-rolly tile
 But I did want that cute kawaii thingy going on - so i gave it a smile-y face, see:
But Punk Papa thought it was too distracting, so we went with the simple look. It was fun to do. Next time I won't be so afraid to do something new and creative. But I thank Berrysprite and all those other kawaii designers for their designs - they are my inspiration :)


Brad said…
I wuz here
MelissaDaams said…
you know Brad, i appreciate you!
Anonymous said…
A timid person is frightened before a danger, a coward during the time, and a courageous person afterwards.

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