Pineapple Upside-Down Cake (remembering Grandma)

Something that I've been trying to do for the last few years is celebrate my grandparents' birthdays to honor and remember them.

Grandma Betty York would have celebrated her 90th birthday today if she were still with us. But that's okay, we celebrated it in style.

Grandma used to always bake pineapple upside-down cake... this was my first go at it so I used a tried and trusted recipe from Betty Crocker - plus they share the same first name so I thought - it can't go wrong! 

It was really easy to make - simple, clear instructions - must be why it's a favorite... and the taste: wow!

It turned out splendid - very, very sweet - I was loving the crusty edges and just classic blend of flavors.

I would definitely make it again... perhaps - next year on the 7th day of July!

Funny thing is - when I was a kid, I didn't really like it that much... I guess as I've matured, so have my tastebuds :)

I added chopped pecans as seen in this Quick Pineapple-Upside Down Cake. I'm really glad I added the nuts - it was just the right amount of nuttiness.

And now for some lovely photos of Grandma... I really miss her.

She was so pretty :)

That's my dad there on the left - cute little guy!
Ahh, I just stumbled across some recent - well more recent - but still old photos of Grandma... the way I remembered her - photos from when Mark and I were sealed in Manti Temple... (2003)

Seeing these makes me so happy inside :)


Sounds very yummy - I'll have to give it a try! Also loved your pics - your Grandma - a beautiful woman!!
I really miss her sometimes. I obviously did not know her as long as you did, but in the year we lived with her she taught me so much.

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