Easy Tomato Salad

I like this salad because it has a nice presentation, it's easy to make and it's so delicious. I made it for a church potluck - but I'd totally make a smaller one plate version for myself on a daily basis - it's so yummy and a good way to eat tomatoes in the raw - which is something I don't normally do... so this one was a good way for me to eat my greens (reds in this case).

Tomato Salad for 4:
4-6 ripe tomatoes in thin slices
about 100 g black or green olives (pitted)
1/2 green bell pepper, sliced thin
juice from 1/2 lemon
1 garlic clove, pressed
75 ml extra virgin olive oil, cold pressed
Pinch ground cumin
Salt and Pepper to taste
1 small red onion, thinly sliced in rings
2-3 stems parsley, finely chopped or 1 teaspoon dried parsley

Arrange the tomato slices in a circular pattern on the plate - two to three layers thick. Place the olives around the tomatoes one by one. Make a dressing from the lemon juice, garlic, olive oil, and salt and pepper to taste. Drizzle the dressing over the tomatoes. Sprinkle the cumin over all. Lay the onion rings over the tomatoes and the bell pepper slices pile up in the middle. Lay the parsley over the top. Serve cold or at room temperature.


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