Baby Dakoda & Crafty Things

I just realized it had been quite some time since I blogged. Well, I was waiting for a baby to arrive. He came very late. Almost two weeks late so I decided to have him evicted in the hospital so there wouldn't be any other surprises or disappointments. 

We decided on the name Dakoda. I get mixed responses - from that is such a cool name, or such a fine name... to...  you know that's a girl's name, too?!

And I say, yeah, I know, but we are spelling it with two D's - and pronounce it so... then we can have nicknames like Koda, or Kody, or whatever. 

Siembra has taken to calling him Dakody. It's cute. She absolutely adores him. She is constantly poking him in the face. I really have to keep my eyes on her around him. She is poking him out of love, of course, not to hurt him - she says: Dakoda is my best friend. It's very sweet.

So, I have been busy... er relaxing... er recovering from this new birth. Fourth child takes a toll on the body. Especially when that child comes via induced labor. That was one of the most painful child births I have experienced thus far. 

Initially I was thinking, I will never do that again... but it's funny how within a few hours of holding and adoring ones new baby you start to think... well, maybe in a few years - we shall see.

I definitely learned from that birth experience that if I ever have to be induced again - to take it slower. Be patient. I wasn't this time. I said, give me more of that drug to speed up this labor process. I wanna get this going. I want this baby here already. So they did. And then it starting to be very painful and I wanted some pain medication and they said, you are doing great - ignoring my requests for medicine and then Mark turned to me and said it was going too fast now so I couldn't have any.

That was my big mistake... I never talked to any of the doctors or nurses before that whole procedure started - I never discussed with them how I would like pain medicine... I wasn't prepared. Oh my goodness... they said I was only pushing with his head stuck in the birth canal for 8 minutes. 8 whole minutes - doens't seem like much... but it was definitly the worst 8 minutes of my life. 

I will not make that mistake again... I will be prepared and have access to pain meds when I want them. If I ever get pregnant again. I feel like we will have another baby in the future... but I don't know what the future holds. No one knows. Anything could happen. I could have a total breakdown - or I could handle it. I don't know. I think I would like more children though... we shall see.

(All photos above by Mark... I really like this style of b&w he is experimenting with right now... very classy)

When I  have a chance, when this beautiful baby boy sleeps, like right now - I actually have time to crochet - which is something I love to do again. But right now I am typing this instead of crocheting. But anyway, I will crochet today.

Kids are back in school after a two week fall break and I have time to myself again. It's great... and I am so happy they get to see and play with their school mates again. I know they missed their friends.

Here are some projects I have been working on lately. An autumn afghan in the colors: sage green, plum purple, pumpkin orange, and cream. I am also applying applique crochet leaves to it in the shape of oak and maple. It's going to be beautiful. It will be a gift for my sort of half-sister.... which I will picture later.

I also made a couple of cute froggy hats. That one turned out cute. Pattern found here: RisC Handmade

(photo by me - via phone)

I am also finishing up a baby blanket with applique crochet seahorses. The applique patterns come from an etsy store called GoldenLucyCrafts. I have to say I am very impresses with these patterns. So many times in my life I have tried to make and follow patterns in books or on the back of yarn wrappers just to be disappointed because I just couldn't figure out what the pattern was explaining. I love that the patterns you buy from these accomplished crocheters like GoldenLucyCrafts have explained it step by step with photos for each row in the pattern. It makes making and crocheting "complicated" patterns fun and possible.

(photos by me with phone)

Until next time... it may be a while... Happy crocheting to all you loves of yarn and crafty things out there :)


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