Moving on

moving on 

This link above takes you to my Pinterest board... all about moving on with less.

We have decided to move back to the United States. We are in the process now of applying for a work visa for Mark. The only way we know how to do this affordably, is to sell almost all of our belongings and do it on a budget.

It really is something else learning to live with less. I have already given away half of all my cookbooks and will need to eventually give them all away. 

Thank goodness for blogs. I will be posting my favorite recipes from my favorite cookbooks as a way to catalog them, find them quickly - it will truly become my online recipe box. Thank goodness I finally received my own very first iPad. It makes looking up recipes so much quicker. I used to have to print everything out or at least, write down the list of ingredients on a pad of paper so I could prepare my meals without having to walk back and forth to my computer while preparing a meal in the kitchen. 

iPads really make life a bit easier. 

I am just bummed because I just bought 3 new books. Plenty and two cake books that I don't really want to give away, but the more stuff I save, the more stuff I have to haul around.

I am selling or giving away all of my baby clothes. It literally took me about 8 years to organize them perfectly each in their own plastic storage box by size and now, I am going through each box and selling the very best clothes and giving away the other, not quite so new looking clothes.

I am giving away my paintings, and trying to decide what to do with all my stuff - like my wedding dress. Yes, it's true I don't wear it anymore, but I don't want to just give it away. It's MY dress. 

I am glad we have at least a year to go through all our clutter, beloved possessions and such to decide what must go and what can stay... I need a whole year to do it.

In the meantime, I am glad to get rid of some of the girls clothes... I am so sick of doing all this laundry. I think my girls need to learn to have less. It will certainly save them a lot of money in live :)


Sonya said…
Oh wow..heading back home :) It is a huge undertaking and I wish you all the best as you make your way there. I hope the work visa comes through in a timely manner. I notice alot of things visa wise, can take awhile in the U.S.

I headed home for my brother's funeral a month ago and Oregon was as beautiful as I remember it being. I hadn't been back to the states in 7 years. I really missed it and can't wait to go home. We also plan to return but since we just bought our house we will wait until we have paid some of it off.

I wish you lots of luck!

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