Yummy Cinnamon Sundae

Awww, this time of year, I love all things cinnamon. For the last couple of years I would look foward to apple cinnamon vla (a type of dairy pudding desert that was sold in Holland).  I would serve it with chunks of ginger bread called ontbijtkoek aka breakfast cake, literally.

Even though I grew up in the USA, it still seems somewhat foreign to me. After all, I was an expat in Holland for 10 plus years, and at one time I had every intention of staying there forever.

But it was not to be. The excessive rains put a damper on those plans. Now, here we are in sunny St George, and it sometimes doesnt even feel like Fall. For the first two weeks of October we still had highs in the 90 degrees F.

Its now beginning to be "cold" at least for a couple hours in the morning, and I saw tiny leaves on the front porch, so some plant out there is shedding for Fall.

This is exciting, because with cooler weather we can enjoy the hikes much more, and I can enjoy some Fallish cinnamon desserts.

Its funny because at some point I stopped eating ice cream altogether in Holland because it was just too cold for it... It is now King of my favorite desserts once again.

Here is my favorite flavor combo at the moment

Cinnamon Horchata Ice cream drizzled with Torani Pumpkin Pie Caramel topping and optional Kroger pumpkin whipped topping. I found the Torani Pumpkin Pie topping at Walmart, The whipped topping I found at Smith's. I am not sure which store carries the Tillamook brand because my Dad bought it, but I Think he got it at Lin's.

It is perfect for fall especially if you love cinnamon spice as much as I.


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