Doctors' Volunteer Clinic, St. George, Utah

Doctor's Volunteer Clinic
1036 E. Riverside Dr.
St. George, Utah

I feel like my life has been put on hold. I had a bout with eczema. It is truly one of the worst things to have to deal with especially when it's on the palms of your hands and on the fingers.

I have had to rely on my husband to be my hands. Tie my shoes, help me with my bra, make lunches, etc. etc. 

I guess I am lucky because I have never had any thing like this before. The worst skin problem I ever had before this was acne as a teenager. It was pretty extreme at times. I ended up going on Accutane to cure me of it... so grateful for those medical things.

Well, after many google searches, I found that eczema is common in winter in dry climates. So, that is one of the down sides to living in dry climates in winter. I guess you can't have it all. :(

Since relocating back to the U.S. - money is tight with us, we don't have any health insurance and do not qualify for Medicaid. 

But no fear, there is a free clinic in St. George! They do ask for a $10 donation, but if you don't have it, no worries. 

Maybe one good thing came from this experience, I was able to help out a fellow earth traveller. So, I was in the Dollar Tree Tuesday when I noticed this cashier with eczema all over her hands and elbows and it was far more scaly and worse than what I was dealing with. My heart reached out to her and I blurted out, you have eczema! And she said, yes. Sadly, I get it every winter. It was all over her legs and knees too, she said.

And, I asked if she was taking anything for it. She said not really. And I said, has your doctor not prescribed something for it?

And she said, I just move to St. George and I don't have health insurance and I don't qualify for Medicaid.

And I said, me, too. And there is a free clinic in St. George on Riverside Drive and I gave her the phone number and I hope she is able to get some relief!

So, maybe when you are going through something sucky, it's to prepare you to help someone else. That is my take away from this experience at least. And so I thought, it's worth blogging about - Hey St. George has this going for it!

This from the website:
Tony Young
of the National Free Clinic Association
"It is a rare community who demonstrates responsibility for the improvement of their community's health in such a manner as The Doctors' Volunteer Clinic of St. George, without seeking government funding," says Tony Young of the National Free Clinic Association. "Free Clinics across the nation continue to have a significant impact on the improved
health of communities and greatly benefit the communities they serve."

Amen Tony Young, I second that.

Photo via google maps - the front of the building faces Riverside Drive, the parking lot is to the west of the building.

Near the intersection of River Road and Riverside Drive


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