Witchful Thinking - journal entry 1

 Lately I have been supporting Crow in their desire to learn about Celtic and Nordic paganism.

I have been doing a bit of research on my own time as well. And the funny thing is - I find myself somewhat fascinated in the occult... but not really?!

I'm a skeptic. Ever since I left Mormonism and all that it required - which was everything - all my time, talents and monies... I find myself very hesitant to dive back into another religion. 

I have been living happily these last 7 years Mormon free. Free to believe what I want and practice life according to the dictates of my own conscience. 

Four years ago, I got into organizing the St George Gingerbread Parade. I poured all of my energy into it and now, I have not so much interest in it. I'm still going to design, bake and decorate a few gingerbread houses for the Jubilee of Trees... but I'm just a supporter now... not the all important founder/executive director. 

I'm so happy to take a backseat approach now. 

How and where will I exert my energy now? I'm still very much interested in connection and community - within reason - balance is so important to me, too.

Well, I have been spending much of my time ensconced in crochet, amigurumi, and all things cute. And as a practitioner of crafty things - this is the kind of witch I am. 

So, I find myself also looking at books on paganism, websites on Celts, Shamanism, Wiccans etc. and I feel somewhat drawn to it. I'm like - yeah, I like the idea of casting spells in the garden to get something to grow. I like the practical magic - or science, rather of kitchen magic - i.e. cooking/baking and this is the kind of magic thinking I can get behind... but the actual thing about spirits or praying to a goddess - I can't seem to wrap my head around that - it's too culty for me. I left one cult and don't want to join another.

My current pattern/crochet design:


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