Short & Sweet Child's Cardigan
Free Crochet Pattern 70455AD

I can't remember if I've already said this in another post - but I'll share it again just in case... When I was 12 years old - in the Young Womens - I learned how to crochet. Joy Gagon was our teacher. I think she's infamous in Douglas Country. She was the home-ec teacher at Douglas High School for many years - that was before my time. She was also a really cool substitute teacher. I had her a few times in the elementary school for a sub. But I knew her best as just another older lady at church. I guess I'm pretty lucky to have met her - she taught me how to knit and crochet. I cannot really remember how to knit though - and I just loved crochet - once I finally figured it out. For YW, each girl bought her own supplies, crochet hook and yarn and made an afgan. We donated the finished afgans to the local convalescent center. I felt really good about it and enjoyed the craft so much that I made several more afgans after that. And then years to follow I made other things like hats and scarves and bags.... never following a pattern, just winging it.

So, 2008 has been an eventful year for me in the craft department because I have finally attempted several different projects using a pattern. I've gotten all my patterns but one from This was the first item of clothing I've attempted. It was a little bit complicated - as all projects are for someone just learning to read a pattern. But it was fun. Then I got to go out and pick out a cute pink button for it. I made this special for a friend who had a terribly difficult pregnancy and labor - I wanted to make something special for her little girl. It was fun to do and turned out really good - even though I messed up a little bit. The main stitch used in the pattern is supposed to be a HDC (half double crochet) but I somehow forgot what that was - and used a DC (double crochet) throughout the whole cardigan. But the size still turned out right on - and I might add - that my friend loves it :)


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