"You Got Peanut Butter in My Chocolate" Cookies

by Dreena Burton from cook book Eat, Drink & Be Vegan

recipe review:


First off, I like that most of her cookie recipes make just enough - one or two batches in the oven and your done. They are fairly simple to put together. She does use some expensive ingredients though - like maple syrup and agave nectar. But I just happened to have them so I got to make these yummy treats. I think they would turn out okay with an alternative ingredient like appelstroop in place of the maple sryup - if I were to do this I'd probably add a bit more sugar to the mix.

So a few months ago, I think it was August, I was considering going Vegan. I bought 4 vegan cookbooks to help with the transition. I really love Vegan with a Vengeance. It's been my favorite so far and I've tried more recipes from that one than the others. Okay, my second favorite is Vegan Cupcakes Take Over The World - it's all desserts so of course, it's a favie!

Now, it's between V-con and this Dreena Burton book to see which is my 3rd favorite. The thing I don't like about this book is that many of the ingredients are expensive products and specialty products at that. I also don't like the way it's set up - not a very good table of contents page so I really have to thumb through it to find the recipe I want. But I do like that she includes the baking temperature in Celcius as well as Farenheit. The other thing is most of the recipes are wheat free - but she does include - sometimes - the amount of all-purpose flour like in baking recipes - like these cookies. That's good for me because I don't usually use alternative flours.

This recipe is one of my favorites that I've tried of hers - thus far!


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