Maple Chocolate Frosty Ice Cream Paleo/Primal

I don't know why I felt like making ice cream on such a cold day, I just did... and I'm so glad about it, too. But, I'm gonna wait till a warmer day to repeat this delicious concoction!

400ml whipping cream
¾ cup milk
¾ cup grade A 100% real maple syrup
⅛ cup Dutch-processed cocoa powder
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
Dash cinnamon
1 small ripe banana, pureed

Warm 200ml whipping cream in microwave or on stove top. Mix in cocoa powder till no lumps and smooth. Remove from stove top - do not allow it to boil. Mix in remaining ingredients. Pour into bowl of ice cream maker and follow manufacturer’s instructions. Freeze in airtight container until ready to serve.

The consistency of this ice cream is smooth like super soft serve. Freeze for 3 hours to get it to firm but soft consistency. The flavor of this ice cream is oh so yummy - really reminds me of the chocolate frosty from Wendy’s restaurants (fast food) in the U.S. You can taste a hint of the banana but all the flavors together are just a perfect blend -it’s food harmony!


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