Perfekte Pannekoeken

I've been making Dutch style pancakes for years. Pretty much ever since I moved to Holland with my Dutch husband and then along came the kids and they would request them for dinner quite regularly. I met this Dutch lady, Tonie Kuurstra and she taught me how she made them - and she used to operate a bed n breakfast so she made a lot of them. I went to her house one time and she had stacks and stacks of them. She made them with butter, too as I recall... and that's how I usually make them as well. However, today, I experienced the most scrumptious griddle-like perfect pancakes and no butter was used. So, here is what happened. Yesterday, the doctor's office called me with the results of my blood test... and it turns out that everything was good except in one place it said my fat or lipid was too high. I need to cut back on the fat intake. Which makes sense because I cook with a lot of butter. :D So, even though I used the full fat milk in this recipe, the big difference was ...