White Chocolate Dipped Sugar Waffles (suikerwafels)

I wanted to make something that was easy to make, fun to make and really delicious... and also something that Mark would like - or at least I hope he will like it.

Last week I took stroopwafels and dipped them in dark chocolate and white chocolate and sprinkled them with sprinkles. I wanted to try sugar waffles this time because Mark likes sugar waffles and he doesn't really like stroopwafels. He also likes white chocolate the best.

It's also something the kids can help out with - would make a nice FHE treat :)

 I got to use my Speculoos hagel, too!

To make 'em. Gather your supplies:
  • sugar waffles aka suikerwafels aka Luiksewafels aka waffles from Liège, Luik or Lüttich (it's a town in Belgium)
  • your favorite brand white chocolate (about 200g for 8 waffles)
  • candy sprinkles, hagel, funfetti, chocolate pieces, chopped nuts, you name it.
  • a bowl to melt the chocolate in
  • a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper

  1. Melt chocolate in microwave safe bowl - 30 second intervals - up to 2 minutes, stirring between each interval. Let sit a few minutes before beginning.
  2. Dip waffles in chocolate then let extra chocolate drizzle back into bowl. Place waffle dipped side up on prepared cookie sheet.
  3. Sprinkle with whatever you like.
  4. Let cool for a very long time - feels like a long time because you can't hardly wait to eat them... but you can do it!
  5. Enjoy with a nice cold glass of milk - or hot chocolate (depending on the weather and your mood, I suppose).

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Oh. My. Goodness. It's OK if I make these for breakfast, right?

I'd love to have you share this recipe on my Sweet Tooth Friday linky! http://alli-n-son.com/2011/02/24/cream-cheese-brownies/
MelissaDaams said…
well, they are incredibly filling - so, you'd be eating like a king!

and they say you should eat breakfast like a king - most important meal of the day right?!

So Domesticated said…
These look great... can't beat waffles dredged in white chocolate and sprinkles... yum!
Amy said…
These are absolutely wonderful and delicious! I'm hosting the Culinary Smackdown Battle for March--the theme is Cookies. It's open to anyone, anywhere in the world. Would you like to join in for the fun? It doesn' have to be a new post on your blog. You can pick your favorite cookie from your previous post too. All you have to do is link up your cookie creation. I have some great prizes waiting. Hope to see your entry soon!

MelissaDaams said…
@Amy, love to... just one entry mmm, which cookie will i submit?!!!
Amy said…
Thank you for participating the Smackdown Battle. Best of luck to you. These white chocolate dipped sugar waffles sure looks fun and delicious. Wonderful choice to submit these cookies for the contest.

If you haven't done so, please sign up as a follower on my blog so you won't miss out on the winner announcement and new posts. Have a wonderful day!

Lisa said…
Now that is true decadence. Love the pics. Thanks for linking this up to Sweets for a Saturday.
Amy said…
These look really good Melissa! I just may try them. Also, thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment today.

BumbleVee said…
Oohhhh ....I hardly ever make waffles...but, these look yummy and now...I think I may have to make some........
Mama J said…
Wow. Fabulous.

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